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September 2022 Archive
25.09.22 > The Silk Roads Project
Those of you that were paying attention back in Spring would have seen that Katie was involved in a collaborative project with students at Oxford University to create original songs based on the book The Silk Roads by Peter Frankopan. The project culminated in a one-off performance of the songs in front of a limited audience. For an insight into the evening click the pic below to see a YouTube video.

19.09.22 > Katie Bite: I Will Be There

16.09.22 > Happy Birthday, Katie

11.09.22 > Interview with Headliner Magazine
Katie was interviewed alongside sound engineer Bryony October for Headliner magazine. If you love microphones you are in for a treat! Click the pic to go to the interview.

10.09.22 > H.R.H. Queen Elizabeth II
There is a palpable and profound feeling of grief and shock–around the world, but especially in the United Kingdom–at the passing of the Queen. Most of us have known no other monarch and are now struggling to get used to the idea of having a King instead. My mother was a devoted Royalist and would have been devastated at this sad event. She used to love making period costumes for dolls and in the 1970s she sent one similar to the one below to the Queen. Within days she had received a letter of thanks from Buckingham Palace conveying Her Majesty’s appreciation. My mother treasured that letter, and I still have it nearly fifty years later. The state funeral will be unlike anything we have seen before as the world pays tribute and respects at the conclusion of the second Elizabethan era. We are now in the third Carolean era, and just as we have only ever known a Queen, children born now and in the years ahead will only know a King. Although things will never be the same in the United Kingdom, I look forward to the future with every confidence that His Majesty King Charles III will reign with the same dignity, compassion and sense of duty that his mother never wavered from. Long live the King.

04.09.22 > Lyric Card: A Love Like That

02.09.22 > William Orbit releases The Painter
William Orbit, the musician and producer who produced Katie's The House album, has released a new album called The Painter. The opening track, Duende, features Katie, and another track features her friend Polly Scattergood. I like Duende, but it has to be said that Katie doesn't particularly sound very Katie-like. It may be that Orbit fiddled with her sound in the mix and it could be anyone vocalising to be honest. There are a few notes where you can hear her distinctive tone though, and it is an interesting piece. Is Katie underused maybe? Well, that's Orbit's business not mine but for my money the answer would be yes and I'll leave you to make your own mind up. Click the pic below to have a listen on Spotify.