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November 2018 Archive
30.11.18 > Ultimate Collection now out on vinyl!
Have you ordered Ultimate Collection on vinyl yet? A sound for sore ears...
Click here to go to Katie's store

26.11.18 > Albums section updated!
The Albums page has now been updated to include Ultimate Collection. Also, Diamonds Are Forever has been added to the Lyrics section.
24.11.18 > Winter walking...
I'm all set for my winter walks now!

22.11.18 > Lyric card: What It Says On The Tin
21.11.18 > Katie on Instagram
18.11.18 > Katie Bite: Blues In The Night
11.11.18 > Track Notes 34: Scary Films
10.11.18 > The Joy of Vinyl
It is wonderful to see the revival of vinyl. I remember well the fanfare surrounding the arrival of compact discs in the eighties, promising a quantum leap forward in quality as the digital age was born. We were sold a lie. Analogue recordings are faithful reproductions of the original masters whereas digital recordings are samples and lose tiny amounts of detail. For many people, a vinyl album gives a richer sound than a CD albeit with the characteristic clicks and pops which generate nostalgia in those of a certain age, and probably puzzlement among the younger generation. But there is more to it than just the sound. The look of vinyl, the feel, the ritual of the tone arm swinging in and the needle dropping with a little thud. Then there is the joy of the album cover itself. CDs never captured the magic that holding a vinyl album in your hands produced. And don't even get me started on digital streaming. And so to the vinyl edition of In Winter. The larger size of a vinyl album cover really does justice to the gorgeous artwork, while the pure white vinyl joyously adds to the wintry theme of the music. Ah yes, the music. With a decent turntable, amplifier and speakers, In Winter lives and breathes with the pure analogue glory of vinyl. It sounds like it was meant to sound - you can close your eyes and just lose yourself in Katie's breathtaking winter landscape. Yes, you have to get up and turn the record over half way through. It's all part of the experience. And with In Winter it is a truly magical experience. Long live vinyl!

08.11.18 > You can take the girl out of Georgia...
05.11.18 > Katie Bite: Moonshine
01.11.18 > Ultimate Collection on vinyl
Wonderful news! Katie announced the release of Ultimate Collection on vinyl on her Instagram account.