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March 2022 Archive
31.03.22 > Katie To Perform With Students In Oxford
"A one off musical performance of wholly original songs by students and young people, presented by acclaimed singer-songwriter Katie Melua and the University of Oxford. Inspired by stories from Professor Peter Frankopan’s The Silk Roads, the musical works draw on Frankopan’s account of these ancient trade routes, exploring journeys through time, geographies and cultures."

This event will take place on Thursday, 28th April 2022 at 7.30pm. For ticket information go to www.musicatoxford.com/whats-on/katie-melua-presents-the-silk-roads-project/
30.03.22 > War And Music
Any human being with a trace of empathy will have been affected by the war in Ukraine. I have always found it difficult to think about the suffering of people or animals by the hand of human beings. I simply cannot comprehend how one sentient being is able to inflict pain on another without the slightest concern. A single instance of physical abuse upsets me, so clearly the mass suffering that happens during a war is hard to bear. Thinking about the helpless such as babies and patients in hospitals having missiles rain down on them is horrific. As I sit in my quiet office in the countryside and gaze out of the window, I see that nothing seems to have changed much here. In fact, there are the first signs of spring appearing, which is normally a time of great joy. But my heart remains heavy and joy seems inappropriate.
I realised that I hadn't really been listening to music since the invasion began. Music makes me happy but happiness felt like a vulgar luxury when people were losing their lives and seeing their world literally crumble around them. It is bad enough not to be able to do much to help the people of Ukraine, but enjoying yourself at such a time seems nothing less than sinful.
It is hard to overstate the importance of musicians. They are the defenders of the Universe. Music gives us the courage and determination to overcome adversity, it heals and inspires us, it brings us joy and contentment. Musicians are the wizards of the modern world, casting spells that help us cope with the everyday perils we face. What a dark place the world would be without music. However much gloom there is, music is the light that guides us through. War is death; music is life.
14.03.22 > Katie Bite: The Little Swallow
A Katie Bite for Ukraine. This Ukrainian carol is about the coming of spring, but as we see the signs of spring now in the UK, in Ukraine, people are fighting for their lives where both winter and war show little sign of relenting. Let every spring flower you see represent a beautiful Ukrainian soul and remind you that we must work together to protect all that is good in this world.

04.03.22 > Fund4Ukraine
If you want to do something to help Ukraine there is a way to get finance direct to the Ukraine government thanks to a Georgian funding initiative. It involves the use of crypto-currency but please don't be put off by this–it is a safe and secure system and if you haven't yet dipped a toe into crypto waters this is a perfect way for you to get started and learn more about it and the cause could not be better. Click the pic below to go to the Fund 4 Ukraine web site.

03.03.22 > Katie Sings Ukrainian Folk Song on Instagram