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April 2022 Archive
27.04.22 > New Album Alert! Aerial Objects
Joyous news at a time when we all need some: Katie has collaborated with Simon Goff for a new album entitled "Aerial Objects". It will be unlike anything she has done before but rest assured it will blow your mind because when it comes to music, Katie doesn't do anything badly. The album will be released on July 15th on CD and digital, with vinyl available on 2nd September. It is available for pre-order on Amazon, iTunes and Spotify but if you want to support the artists then click the pic to pre-order the CD or vinyl from Katie's store.

Track Listing:
1. Tbilisi Airport
2. It Happened
3. Stamba
4. Textures Of Memory
5. Aerial Objects
6. Millions Of Things
25.04.22 > Katie Interviewed By Vikas Shah
A lovely conversation Katie had on music, art and beauty with Vikas Shah for his ThoughtEconomics website. Click the pic to go look!

24.04.22 > Tulip Katie Melua
You may not all be aware that Katie had a tulip named after her in 2006. It is pretty hard to find but last year I finally traced the original grower in the Netherlands and got a Dutch friend to send me some bulbs. They are all about to bloom. Here is the first to open. As you can see, they are a lovely deep pink with a delicate white frill around the edges. Elegance and natural beauty. What a perfect fit to be associated with Katie!

14.04.22 > Gig Alert! Lithuania, Saturday August 13th

A rare opportunity for the people of Lithuania to see Katie live at the Palanga Concert Hall this August. For ticket details visit the Kakava ticket site.
13.04.22 > Gig Alert! Switzerland, Thursday July 28th

A magical summer evening for those of you who can attend Katie's Zoa City event in Switzerland on July 28th. For ticket details visit the Zoa City site.
12.04.22 > New Music From Gori Women's Choir
Gori Women's Choir have released three astonishing new tracks under the title Lunar Codex. Click on the link to be blown away by these amazing ladies on Spotify.
For more information on the project, which will see recordings including these sent to the surface of the moon, see Recordings of Gori Women's Choir ensemble included in first sending of arts to the Moon in 50 years

Listen to Lunar Codex on Spotify via the link button below:
Play on:

11.04.22 > Katie Bite: I Cried For You